This is suppose to be a lifestyle blog , but it seem more like a emotional blog . Don't worry , I'm random . I blog about almost anything .
My blog is the only place that I feel safe to said out my feelings , I can't said it on anywhere else . People around me would get offended even if that post isn't for them .
It's funny how people always say "just be yourself" and when you really did be yourself ? They start talking bad about you . Judging you .
It just seems that their "just be yourself" is to be "who they want you to be" . It's really bullshit don't you think ?
And do realize that words hurt . It actually hurt more then anything . Physical pain can heal in weeks or months , but words hurt people mentally , and that pain will stay that forever . Even 10 years down the road , the memories would still be back and what you said before may pierce their heart once again .
And nothing hurt more then seeing your crush having a girlfriend / boyfriend . That feeling of heartbreak but you just can't let anyone know . Faking a smile in front of your crush , wishing that their love would last while you secretly hoping that the girl / boy would treat them right , because seeing them smile is enough for you . I know people always say that the more you avoid someone , you would feel hurt . But what if the situation isn't like that ? What if not being able to see him / her is better that way ? Because they would always go out together and seeing them with someone else is just a living hell . Don't get me wrong , I don't have a crush . At least not for now .