Sunday, March 30, 2014

Growing up | feeling depress and having depression are 2 different thing ( my rant )

"Nothing last forever , nothing stays the same" a lyrics that somehow remind me of life . In life , nothing really last . Yeah people may tell me there's things that last like love , but still , we're all gonna die someday . Nothing is forever . This isn't a fairy tail , this isn't a Disney movie . This is freaking real life , where death , backstabbings , gossipings , left out , not good enough , comparing happens almost every single day to every single one . 
It's weird how when we're young , we wish to grow up as soon as possible , we have so many false imagination about the grown up world . And when we finally grow up , we wish we could rewind the time back when we are still kids , running around , playing days and nights without caring . We would wear our pajamas out to the park not caring about people judging . But now , it's all impossible . People start judging you for almost everything you do , right or wrong . It just seems that you can never make anyone happy , you can never do anything right . And soon , start to push people off . Because being alone sometimes is better . You don't have to make anyone happy except yourself . But then sometimes you will feel really lonely. 
School used to be fun , and I love going school , and I don't know when it started when school begin to be a drag , I would start giving tons and tons of excuses just so I won't have to go to school . I stopped making friends , I start to became really quiet . And slowly , my smile just faded away . 
I don't hate school , I don't hate the people in it . I just don't understand why and how . 
It just seems that , when we grow up , our happiness would decrease too somehow . 
I miss being a kid . Really .
And something that some types of people have to realize that feeling depressed and having depression is a totally different thing . We all feel depress at certain time , certain part of our life . But we get over it the next day or the week after . But having depression would take months or even years to get over . Don't claim that you're having depression when you're just crying at night cause of some heartbreaks or something . You're not having depression , you're just feeling depressed at that moment . And if you cut and post it on Instagram / twitter saying that "I cut myself" , sorry to say but I find that attention seeking . People who really cuts tends to find lots and lots of ways to hide their scars , they won't take a photo of their scars and post it on Instagram , twitter or Facebook . Some might not wear long sleeve shirt all the times , but you would notice that they hardly raise up that certain hand / arm . Cutting isn't for attention . Stop claiming that people cut just for the attention . Maybe for some , yes they are doing this just for the attention , but this is not the case for the majority . Did I spell that right ? 
But yeah . Stop claiming that you "have depression" when you're just sad at night . 
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