Saturday, May 24, 2014

So i'm down with flu and sore throat this few days and its totally sucks .

I can't believe that i actually said that i miss being sick few months ago and now when it's the moment that i can't be sick , I'm here with a running nose and sore throat .

I mean , Out of everyday and every month of the year , why must it be now ? It's nice that i can take a break finally , but it's not what i expected

In the past , i can go out and play even with a high fever , but now i can't . I slept the whole day . For the first time in forever .
And because of that , i kinda lost my appetite , it's like , i can eat just 3 mouth of rice , and i'm full for like 8 hours ? 
I have no idea what's happening because usually I just

So it kinda freak me out when i felt full with eating so little . But it doesn't really bother me much so
Yeah .

Oh , youtube fanfest . My friends won the ticket to go and here i am , at home using the computer . But it's okay ~ I'm heading town tomorrow too , but not for the event . But if i have to choose to meet one person and only one person from all those who came for the youtube fanfest , it would be RYAN HIGA . 

I mean , I'm not really a Lamp , but I love watching his videos , and it would be really awesome to be able to meet someone who i have watch almost all of his videos .

And talking about this , it remind me back to last year where me and my friends was waiting outside because apparently we didn't have the ticket to go into the party , we only manage to get to the red carpet , and OMG jianhao is so hot *Fangirling* 

And while we're waiting , suddenly two really really nice women just went up to us and ask if we would like to go in and of course , we said yes .

And suddenly , this friend of mine started crying because there's only two ticket ( one pair ) to get in and she said that she have been wanting to meet her ( the singer that came to perform ) for a long time and has been a fan from the start bah bah bah 

So i thought , okay fine , go ahead . And end up to my shocking news, she only know 1 song from her . And that seriously pisses me off . Like you do not call yourself a fan from the start when you just know 1 or 2 song . Like WTF .

Okay i shall end here now 

Bye ~~